During May-June, 2022 COERR Kanchanaburi organized Basic Organic Agriculture and Home Gardening Training for 30 new trainees in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter. The curriculum were basic organic farming in soil preparation, seed sowing, seed storage, basic organic agriculture, many types of vertical gardening, demonstration of vertical gardening using bamboo framework and climbing plants, which was a good model of home gardening in limited space.
Moreover, there was a Refresher Course provided to 25 farmers from previous basic organic agriculture training courses to acquire more skills in plant propagation, e.g. grafting, cutting and layering.
COERR has supported the animal bank by providing 4 male goats and 1 female goat. So far, there are 6 baby goats as production of the program.
Demonstration plot for vertical farming

Animal Bank

Basic Organic Agriculture & Home Gardening Training

Refresher Training Course
